burning ambition中文什么意思

发音:   用"burning ambition"造句
  • burning:    adj. 1.燃烧的,像燃烧一样的; ...
  • ambition:    n. 1.抱负,志气,雄心。 2.野 ...
  • a man of ambition:    有抱负的人
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  1. Wing and fat have many things in common : the same macau background , the same burning ambition to be big in the underworld , and friendship for each oth . .
  2. For the next four years , though , all eyes will more than likely be focused on benjamin netanyahu in an intensive quest to discover what he will really do now that he has achieved his burning ambition to be prime minister
    然而,在未来四年中,所有的注意力都将近于肯定地集中于内塔尼亚胡身上? ?既然他现在已经实现了当选首相的勃勃雄心,人们迫切希望发现他真正要做的是什么。


Burning Ambition (2000) is the second album by The Generators. It was released on February 1, 2000 on People Like You Records in Europe & Japan.


  1. burnin up 什么意思
  2. burning 什么意思
  3. burning abdominal wall 什么意思
  4. burning action 什么意思
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  7. burning area 什么意思
  8. burning back 什么意思
  9. burning bar of lead 什么意思
  10. burning bed 什么意思


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